

Vancouver, Washington

Dehydration is all too common after illness, rigorous exercise, a day of fun in the sun, or simply forgetting to keep up with your daily water intake. Our Hydration IV Treatment contains a powerful blend of IV fluids and electrolytes to quickly restore your balance, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Our experienced providers are happy to answer your questions and discuss what our IV Hydration therapy can do for you.


Primary Uses

Restore Fluid Balance
Replenish Electrolytes
Boost Energy

Dehydration is a serious matter. It can happen when you least expect it and can leave you with unpleasant symptoms, including tiredness, headaches, nausea, lightheadedness, lack of mental clarity, and a rapid heart rate, to name a few. IV hydration therapy can quickly restore your fluid and electrolyte balance, relieving your symptoms and restoring your sense of wellness!


The Hydration IV Treatment contains the same basic formula of IV fluids you can expect to receive in a hospital setting. It features a combination of water, sodium chloride, and electrolytes for quick hydration along with an energy and wellness boost.

  • IV Fluids: The body is made up of about 60 percent water, and every cell needs hydration for optimal function. IV fluids will restore your fluid balance and help your body thrive.
  • Electrolytes: Dehydration can interfere with your electrolyte balance causing fatigue, aches, and a lack of mental clarity. Our hydration IV can replenish your electrolytes and help your body function the way it should!

What Are the Benefits of Hydration IV Therapy?

The Hydration IV Treatment can provide significant benefits, including the following:

  • Replenishes lost fluids
  • Flushes out toxins
  • Boosts immunity
  • Increases energy levels
  • Improves focus and mental clarity
  • Combats fatigue
  • Enhances mood and energy
  • Boosts endurance and cardiovascular health
  • Improves skin hydration and clarity

Why Choose IV Therapy?

When you push your body to the limits, drinking water is not always enough to replenish your fluid and electrolytes. IV hydration offers a quick and efficient way to hydrate your body by delivering fluids straight into your bloodstream, where they travel to the parts of your body that need them the most. Helping you feel instantly refreshed, energized, and revitalized.

Is a Hydration IV Treatment Right for You?

The best way to determine whether a Hydration IV Treatment is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our experienced providers. We will evaluate your unique needs and determine the best IV infusion to get you on track to a healthier, happier, and more energetic you! We invite you to text us at 360-931-1223 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

Looking for Something Else? Check Out Some of Our Favorite IV Treatments.


Ketamine Infusion

Breakthrough treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, and more!



Enhance cellular health and function, energy production, and neurological function.


Hangover Cure

Replenishes fluids, relieve nausea and headaches, and restores energy levels.

Book Your Consultation

We offer in-person or online consultations that best fit your busy schedule. Follow the link to book a time and we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.