
Immune Boost

Vancouver, Washington

Getting sick can leave you struggling to function for days or even weeks. Who has time for that? Give your immune system a boost with our Immune Boost IV Treatment, loaded with fluids, vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. This treatment can help kick your immune system into high gear so you feel better as quickly as possible. Our experienced providers are happy to answer your questions and discuss this powerful treatment and what it can do for you.


Primary Uses

Immune Support
Fight Off Illness
Rapid Recovery

Your body requires fluids to clear out toxins and keep your organs functioning properly. During illness, even more fluids are required to prevent dehydration and mount an effective immune response. Our Immune Boost IV Treatment is designed to give your immune system the needed support with the help of essential vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, and hydration. If you are feeling under the weather, need to boost your immune system before surgery or traveling, or simply want to stay healthy, our Immune Boost IV Treatment may be the solution for you!


The Immune Boost IV drip includes B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin C, Zinc, and more.

  • IV Fluids: Help replenish your body with hydrating fluids to support your immune system.
  • B-Complex Vitamins: Provide an energy boost and encourage the growth of immune cells to stave off infections.
  • Vitamin C: Critical to a functioning and robust immune system, with studies suggesting it can help ward off respiratory viruses.
  • Zinc aids in wound healing, inflammation, metabolism, and a healthy immune system.

What Are the Benefits of the Immune Boost IV Treatment?

Immune Boost IV therapy can provide significant benefits, including the following:

  • Good to use before traveling
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps with auto-immune conditions
  • Boosts vitamin and antioxidant levels
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Protects against and helps fight infections
  • Accelerates recovery from illness
  • Prevents dehydration
  • Thins mucus to improve congestion
  • Flushes out toxins

Why Choose IV Therapy?

If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s not always easy to stay ahead of your fluid intake needs, especially with nausea or an upset stomach. Our Immune Boost IV Treatment will ensure you stay hydrated and have your needed vitamins and nutrients delivered straight to your bloodstream for an immediate immunity, energy, and wellness boost.

Is the Immune Boost IV Treatment Right for You?

The best way to determine whether the Immune Boost IV Treatment is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our experienced providers. We will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best IV infusion to get you on track to a healthier immune system and a more energetic you! We invite you to text us at 360-931-1223 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

Looking for Something Else? Check Out Some of Our Favorite IV Treatments.


Ketamine Infusion

Breakthrough treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, and more!


Hangover Cure

Replenish fluid, relieve nausea and headaches, and restore energy levels.


Surgical Optimization

Reduce risk of infection, enhance wound healing, and shorten recovery time.

Book Your Consultation

We offer in-person or online consultations that best fit your busy schedule. Follow the link to book a time and we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.