
Surgical Optimization

Vancouver, Washington

Preparing for an upcoming surgery? If so, you may want to consider a Surgical Optimization IV Treatment to give your body the nutrients it needs to prepare you for surgery and speed up your healing process during the postoperative period. If you want to learn more about our IV infusions, our experienced providers are happy to answer your questions and address your concerns. We look forward to helping you enjoy a speedy recovery.


Primary Uses

Reduce Infection
Promote Healing
Decrease Inflammation

Surgery can be hard on the body. A lack of essential vitamins and nutrients can delay your recovery and leave you at risk of complications, including infection, poor wound healing, and scarring. Our Surgical Optimization IV Treatment gives your body the needed boost to speed up the healing process and get you back on track to health and wellness!


The Surgical Optimization IV Treatment delivers a special blend of Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Arginine to reduce the risk of infection and enhance wound healing.

  • Vitamin C: Plays a vital role in maintaining a functioning and robust immune system and helps rebuild collagen throughout the body.
  • Magnesium: Helps reduce postoperative pain, supports recovery, has anti-inflammatory benefits, reduces anxiety, and so much more.
  • Arginine: The key amino acid enhances immune function, helps build muscle, and supports wound repair.
  • Zinc: aids in wound healing, inflammation, metabolism, and a healthy immune system.

What Are the Benefits of the Surgical Optimization IV Treatment?

The Surgical Optimization IV Treatment provides many benefits, including the following:

  • Enhanced immunity
  • Lower risk of surgical complications
  • Decreased risk of infection
  • Improved wound healing
  • Faster recovery time

Why Choose IV Therapy?

IV therapy is much more effective than oral supplements, which are often degraded and reduced in their journey through the GI tract. IV therapy delivers essential nutrients straight into your bloodstream for an immediate immunity and wellness boost. Get your body as healthy as possible before surgery to ensure a speedy recovery.

Get Surgery Ready Today

If you’re preparing for an upcoming surgery, schedule a consultation with our experienced providers. We will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best solutions to support optimal healing! We invite you to text us at 360-931-1223 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

Looking for Something Else? Check Out Some of Our Favorite IV Treatments.


Ketamine Infusion

Breakthrough treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, and more!


Myers Cocktail

Increased energy, immunity boost, improved sleep, and much more.


The Recovery

Recover from workouts or illness, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation. 

Book Your Consultation

We offer in-person or online consultations that best fit your busy schedule. Follow the link to book a time and we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.