
The Recovery

Vancouver, Washington

If you are looking for a solution designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability, you may want to consider a Recovery & Performance IV Treatment. Loaded with fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants, this powerful IV can fortify your immune system, combat illness, and promote improved performance while restoring energy levels. Our experienced providers are happy to answer your questions and demonstrate what the Recovery & Performance IV Treatment can do for you.


Primary Uses

Enhances Athletic Performance
Reduce Inflammation
Support Healing

Illness or athletic competition can be hard on your body. Rehydrating while replenishing essential vitamins and nutrients can help you get over an illness, a tough workout, or an athletic competition so you can feel your best once again. The Recovery & Performance IV Treatment can provide a powerful immunity boost, reduce inflammation, and promote healing by supporting faster tissue and muscle repair so you can feel better faster.


The Recovery IV Treatment delivers a unique blend of B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin C, Magnesium, zinc specially formulated minerals, and more.

  • IV Fluids: Rehydrates, corrects electrolyte imbalance, carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and removes waste from your body.
  • B-Complex Vitamins: Supports the immune system, boosts energy, promotes healthy growth and development, improves cardiovascular health, and plays a major function in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • Vitamin C: Protects against immune system deficiencies, and promotes circulatory function, muscle growth, wound healing, and cell repair. Also helps eliminate free radicals and increases bone health and strength.
  • Amino Acid blend: Aids in faster recovery from muscle fatigue, increases oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood, decreases muscle damage, and improves training efficiency.
  • Zinc aids in wound healing, inflammation, metabolism, and a healthy immune system.
  • Specially Formulated Minerals: Our essential minerals can restore your sense of wellness and speed up your post-workout recovery period.
  • Magnesium: The vital mineral supports nerve and muscle function, promotes protein production, enhances heart health, and reduces anxiety. It also promotes calcium absorption, contributing to overall health.

What Are the Benefits of the Recovery IV Treatment?

The Recovery IV Treatment can provide many benefits, including the following:


  • A powerful immune boost
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes faster healing
  • Supports tissue repair and muscle recovery
  • Enhance athletic performance
  • Flushes out free radicals
  • Shortens recovery times

Why Choose IV Therapy?

IV therapy works much faster than oral medications in supporting your recovery. Delivering fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants straight into your bloodstream produces rapid results and ensures maximum absorption. Enjoy an instant, powerful health and wellness boost.

Is the Recovery IV Treatment Right for You?

If you are looking for support to recover from workouts or illness fast, the Recovery IV Treatment may be right for you. Our experienced providers will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best IV treatment for you. Are you ready to boost your immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote healing? We invite you to text us at 360-931-1223 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

Looking for Something Else? Check Out Some of Our Favorite IV Treatments.


Ketamine Infusion

Breakthrough treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, and more!


Immune Boost

Support the immune system, fight illnesses, and promote rapid recovery. 


Myers Cocktail

Increased energy, immunity boost, improved sleep, and much more.

Book Your Consultation

We offer in-person or online consultations that best fit your busy schedule. Follow the link to book a time and we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.